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Information for site staff in the UK

People admitted to hospital with influenza pneumonia or community-acquired pneumonia may be invited to participate in the RECOVERY trial. Current active comparisons are listed on the home page. The trial is designed to have the least possible impact on NHS staff. You will find Frequently Asked Questions on the site set-up page.

See below for update alerts.

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Site teams icon (UK)




update alerts

17 september 2024

Baloxavir is available to order again from Roche. Please note that baloxavir packaging has changed and packs now contain 1x 40mg tablet. The pharmacy manual (V24.2) and ordering form (17-Sept-2024) have been updated to reflect this, but ordering procedures are otherwise unchanged. At present the maximum amount supplied to sites remains 10 packs due to supply limitations, but this will be increased before the winter flu season.

19 june 2024

Please note that current baloxavir supplied for RECOVERY has an expiry date of 30 June 2024. Replacement baloxavir can be ordered now from Roche, but deliveries of this will be delayed until the second half of July. This means that patients should not be randomised to the baloxavir comparison from 28 June until replacement baloxavir has been received.

4 april 2024

The final two COVID-19 comparisons (sotrovimab and high dose dexamethasone) closed to recruitment on 31 March. Any sotrovimab remaining at sites should be disposed of according to local policy. We will share results from these comparisons when they become available.

RECOVERY will remain open to the influenza and CAP comparisons, which are planned to continue until at least June 2026.

All sites are invited to take part in the RECOVERY CAP comparison, including sites taking part in ASPECT (see ASPECT & RECOVERY coordination plan).

All sites are invited to take part in the RECOVERY influenza comparisons at locations where the RECOVERY or REMAP-CAP influenza comparisons are not already open (see REMAP-CAP & RECOVERY collaboration plan).

We would be grateful if you could let us know if your site is interested in opening the RECOVERY influenza or CAP comparisons as soon as possible, even if you don’t plan recruitment to start until Autumn/Winter 2024.